Saturday, March 31, 2012

Late night/early morning rambles ...

Mostly this blog is a result of insomnia introduced by a waking baby ... Yep I'm tired, but I can't sleep so I'll write. This may be more of a ramble then anything specific :P

Lots of new developments in the Land of the Lawson's.

Looks like we'll be adding to our little family come Fall. If you thought you read that, you are correct! Alexa will be a cute "Big Sister".

Though the initial shock has yet to wear off, I'm starting to get used to the idea & the anger I felt about it has subsided. I always knew I wanted a few kids & wanted them semi close in age, I just was not prepared for this. I guess the Lord has other plans for us. 

In other news:

Brian started his new CAREER at Eaton :) Working on the Engineering degree he earned! Makes me proud. There is one hiccup in our little plan of him working there .. The GAS. My gosh it's high & it is only going to go up from here =/ 

With the truck we're spending(not to throw out finances out there) about $1000 a month. Now this is just his gas. So with rent & gas we're spending almost $1500 bucks just in that, not including any other bills, food or savings! We have done sized some things & sold a car to get out a payment, but it just is not enough. Crazy huh? So .... we're planning moving to Arden very soon. My sister in law's mom is a real estate agent & has put us in contact with a mortgage company & has qualified us to buy a house! YAY! Now we just have to get up there & start the process. I loath renting, just an FYI. 

I've been going to church with Bonnie & Larry a lot here lately & have really enjoyed it! I know that God is working in my life & has really humbled my soul. l have changed a lot of the music I listed to as well, it just makes me feel better. I still have tons to work on in myself, but I'm getting there. I like Alexa there too. Brian works almost 7 days a week(till he gets caught up) so he doesn't go most times, sadly. This Sunday we're having her baby dedication & I am super excited, makes a mama proud :)

Ok, so what time is it ... 3:03 a.m. arg ...

3:05 now ...

Writers block maybe lol. I really need sleep.

I haven't slept good in a month or better. I'm up with Alexa at night, up with her during the day, it's exhausting! Don't get me wrong motherhood is the BEST gift anyone can ever get & life would be SO lonely without children, but it is the most CHALLENGING task you will ever be given. It's def not for the weak or squeamish lol.

3:07 ....

I was thinking of people who hold grudges the other day & how tiring it must be for them. No
 judgement. But if you think about how much energy people put into hating someone ALL the time, the other person really isn't the one affected, the person doing all the hating is. Why waste your precious time & energy on that? Why think about someone ALL the time that you don't even like? I don't know. I gave up grudge holding thing a long time ago. I guess you know your there when you can wish someone well & not have anything bad to say about them. That is when you truly know your past any hard feelings. 

On my way home this afternoon(or yesterday afternoon) "Jesus Bring The Rain" came on 106.9 & oddly it was raining. I just felt like it was meant for me to hear at that moment. I've been struggling with a few things & the Lord is really working on my pride issues & trying to break me of some bad habits. 

3:14 ...

I didn't win the big lottery! Darn! I heard on the news at like 5:00 we(usa) spent 1.7 BILLION dollars just on this drawling alone! Man that is a lot of wasted cash! We could have paid down our debt with that LOL.

Maybe the Sand Man is on his way to see me ;)