Friday, September 30, 2011

Another day in paradise

Life as a mom & house wife may not be all that grand to some but in the grand scheme of things -- it's the worlds BEST gift from God.

Besides our health, wealth & general lively hoods, being a parent is one thing some may never get to experience.

Growing up, you never realize what life will be like outside mom & dad. You never really "get it". Once you hit a certain age/maturity level things start to become a little more clear, they did to me anyways :)

Meeting Brian at 115 pounds & as wild as they come, I never though in a MILLION years 2 1/2 years later I'd be his wife, the mother of his 2 month old daughter & 40 pounds heavier(the heaviest I've ever been no less) & playing house everyday. I was one of those, gotta be cute all the time gals & anyone who knows me, knows what I am talking about. Now I'm trading my high heals for comfy shoes, my trendy clothes for discount shopping & sleep for late night feedings & rocking my baby. But with all that I have given up, I have gained SO much.

I didn't know men like Brian(my wonderful husband) even exsisted. I didn't know they could be s kind, loving & gentle. Don't get me wrong HE IS the man of our house, besides the Lord :) He runs our household & I respect him, but he puts me first, which is something I never knew... I had always been second, to friends, trucks, mothers, there was always something that came before me in every relationship I had ever been in & this time it was different.

Daily duties of a housewife ... wow they never end! Laundry, dishes, dusting, taking care of the kids, the pets, paying bills, making life livable more or less -- it's a never ending cycle. People don't give stay at home moms enough credit LOL. It aint easy to say the least, but we have a special gift ;) I applaud any mother who can with stand the housewife title & REALLY do it. It's easy to go to work & leave all the home troubles & chores behind you, to get a break from the little ones & all that, it takes MAJOR strength to do what we do, in my opinion. Babies require round the clock care, crying, feeding, changing, entertaining ... whew it can be exhausting!

Everyday I thank God for all he has given me, which brings me to the qoute "What if you ONLY had today what you thanked God for yesterday?"

So at night I ask the Lord, for just one more day in paradise ...