As many of you know I had an ultrasound today (May 17th).
This ultrasound was LOOONNNGGG! almost 2 hours ...
I DO NOT have VASA! YAY! But I do have placenta previa & a UNIQUE Placenta placement(I have 2 -- how odd) even though rare, they do see this sometimes.
I will have a c-section at 37 weeks.
As for me, regular maternity doctors appt every 2 weeks instead of 4 & back to
MAHEC every 4 weeks for ultasounds.
I have several restrictions(No standing for long periods, no lifting, even heavy laundry baskets, sit often & several more). So the next few weeks should be FUN lol. Only 13 weeks left to go! :)
ARIEL IS DOING GREAT! Gaining wieght! A pound & a half already <3
Heart beat of 149 & all her limbs are measuring perfect :)
MOVING around ALL the time, even the tech said she was quite the stinker ;)
So over all it was a good day.
Tomorrow back to the reg doc for my sugar test & antibody screening for my RhoGAM(RH NEG). Oh the joy is being RH Neg blood type lol.
We GOT MOVED! Even though we aren't staying there just yet, we have one more room to paint & I can't be around the fumes :/ Sooo.. By the end of the week, we should be settling in!