After a ever most event-full day, I figured I was due a blog anyways so why not?
**This is a PUBLIC BLOG -- I am aware that unwated viewers may find themselves here to read my thoughts, so if you don't like something I wrote or write here, please feel free to remove yourself from this page, you have the back arrow, the address bar or the red X -- thanks**
After stumbling upon the endless stream of snide comments & remarks about me, I thought to myself; "Lord, why?" I just don't understand some people. I let it rest. But some Oh so very caring friends & family of mine weren't going to be so nice..
Seemed like the day drug on forever, with a few troubles before 7 a.m. and the ones that carried out the day -- I thought honestly this was the world ending because it seemed so long.
I felt like my entire world was a storm with the wind and all the moments of my life circling me in slow motion. With no where to go & nothing to say... You feel defeated when you stand by & let things happen. But whats the point in fighting it all? Would that make me as low as they?
It's funny people get onto other people for doing the VERY same thing that they are guilty of.
Does it get on your nerves when someone NEVER takes responsiblity for their actions, when they think they are always right?
Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you HONESTLY made fun of people? I'm thinking of your any age around or over mine, your answer should be high school, a few years ago, teeny bopper years ... But as adults aren't we supposed to cling to the vitrue of not making fun of others? Or is that the value in which we are instilling in our children? If so then I am TERRIFED for that generation.
What does a "Christain" mean to you? When you fix that little box on your profile from nada to "Christain" or any other religion, what does it mean? Dropping the "F" word left & right? Bashing other people, calling them "FAT" or "UGLY" or both? What about the "pages" we become fans of? Does that not go in to consideration either or are we all just a bunch of hypocrites? What does prayer mean? I can say I prayed & then turn around a drop cuss bombs & drink & party all night & gossip, so what does that make me? I don't drink, or party all night. I don't sit on FB & gossip all the time & certainly I do not cuss like a sailor & slam other people all day, have I -- of course, but I don't practice this daily... Just saying.
VANDALISM -- here is a definition of the term who may have it confused:
"willful wanton and malicious destruction of the property of others."
Having been a victim of this, I just have to say -- who would stoop SOO low? I am sure you're saying to yourself that it would be terrible to have it done to you, but why do some people think it's ok to do it to others? I would never do that to ANYONE. It's petty, childish & just plain spiteful.
Using the word "HATE" when referring to someone ... It's a strong word, I certainly do not use it towards people, mostly just for mushrooms & olives.
I think some people are confused about the definition of this word as well.
How long does someone have to know you, before they can call you a friend? Month, week, years, a day .. Who knows. But I can say this -- I friend is not defined by the time known, but the quality of the time spent. I have SOME VERY good friends, some I've known years(all my life or other long periods of time). Some I've know a few months, weeks & days. I'm farely certain a person doesn't have to know someone's ENTIRE life story before they say "Ok -- I'll be your friend". That isn't a requirement of most. Friendship should come naturally & easily. And it should be 50/50. Sometimes, you may have to go farther to help a friend out or they may come to you, but in the end you both know what a true friend is supposed to do.
I have to say, of all the people to come into & leave my life, the ones leaving are for the best. There is a reason God removes them from my life as a whole & leaves the friendships He wants for me.. Everything is already PREPLANNED by Him, so why fight it. He already knows what is going to happen. So I trust Him & the people He chooses for me. I have some really truly amazing best friends (Amy, Holly, Brandy, Laurel, Amanda, Summer) I love them with all my heart & couldn't imagine my life without them in it.
Enimies ... I pray for them. Matthew 5:44 --"But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" ... Luke 6:27 --"But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you" ...
1 Thessalonians 5:15-- "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."
No one wants people to not like them, but I guess not everyone will be your best friend either.
Of course I know some may think of this as an act of retaliation ... this is a blog & these are my thoughts & I don't think I have been unkind or mean or vicious.
All my life I've wanted a job I love -- I've always loved photography, so finally I am getting the chance to do that & without a doubt I am the happiest I have ever been. That is until Madusa showed up..
I've been called lots of names today here are the few I can remember: cheater, liar, theif, fat(I didn't know 130 lbs was fat), cheap, crazy, monster. I am sure there were more but off the top of my head that is what I can remember at the moment. It's been said I have evil plots & that people should think twice before being my friend. I lie so much it's hard to keep up. I never tell the truth. I'm the one to blame for everything that goes on. The list if this was endless. Not one time have I responded or said anything back, as I am trying to turn over a new leaf. But these names I am being called are by the people who claim to be the innocent one's & Christain's. So what is wrong with this picture? Should I be exploding on people or keeping my cool? How many times can you honeslty turn the other cheek? Everyone who knows me, knows the old Ashley, well she wouldn't have been so nice. But I've become much softer over the year & I don't see much point in it.
So I do the only thing I know to do .. So I PRAY.
Jesus bring the rain!
With everything I've been through in my life, all that I've learned, I'm still asking Jesus for help. My life hasn't been all farts & rainbows, it's been HARD. I've cried, made mistakes, laughed, hurt & been hurt. I've experinced a whirl wind of emotions the last 24 years. I've learned to let go & hang on at the same time. I've made new friends & kept old ones. I've learned that my nitch IS IN photography & that I am pretty good at it, which appearantly bothers other to no end. I have been blessed. But it's not always been clear to me.
I've got a husband who LOVES me for ME. Who in my distress held me & was there even when he didn't have to be. He never questions that. He's incredibly smart with 2 degrees. He puts me ABOVE everyone else & never lets me down. He doesn't yell, drink or party, but we HAVE tons of fun. We don't have to be drunk & live that way. We've found other ways to have a great time :) We have some pretty good friends & couples to hang out with(Laurel & Roger, Amanda & David, Jamie & Monica, Josh & Andrea, Amy & Mike, Holly & Kevin, Brandy & Chris). Who are ALL great people. I have the BEST friends a girl could want. I have the BEST in-laws. They take care of each other & show us how marriage is supposed to be. They raised their boys right & didn't miss a beat getting them an education.
Nope it's not perfect & it can be a challenge sometimes, but God didn't promise me that it would always be easy. He just said he would hold my hand through it all.
I'm starting to wonder if Facebook is the Devil himself ... Seems to be where most of the drama emerges from.
A song that has helped me get through all this:
Jeremy Camp.
Scattered words and empty thoughts
seem to pour from my heart
I've never felt so torn before
seems I don't know where to start
but it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain
from every fingertip, washing away my pain
I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
Though the questions still fog up my mind
with promises I still seem to bear
even when answers slowly unwind
it's my heart I see You prepare
but its now that I feel Your grace fall like rain
from every finger tip, washing away my pain
I still believe in Your faithfulness
I still believe in Your truth
I still believe in Your holy word
even when I don't see, I still believe
The only place I can go is into your arms
where I throw to you my feeble prayers
in brokeness I can see that this was your will for me
Help me to know You are near
On a closing note ...
Where would we be without Facebook, MySpace, Twitter ...