As the Summer came to a close & Fall drew near. Thanksgiving & Christmas are just around the corner! Whew!
I have had several things lately on my mind.
Being a mom is HARD! The hardest job a person can ever have.
But at the same time the most rewarding.
Dealing with a baby on a 24/7 basis & having another person depend on you for nearly everything for survival, is exhausting. I can't even explain how exhausting it is.
I have stayed up all night, for nights on end, feedings, diaper changes, crying ...
BUT with that said, when she smiles ... it melts my heart & I realize JUST how lucky I am.
You never really start to live until you have a child. What an extraordinary gift from God.
I can't imagine, being anywhere else in my life. I can't imagine not being married & not having my daughter. Things that mattered before seem to just slip away & you lose focus of all that small stuff. You know, that girl who talks about you, those dumb high school rumors, material things, cars, clothes, going out, partying ... All that stuff that you thought were so important a year or 2 back ... you learn just how meaningless it all really is.
How silly you used to be, how immature you were & just how different life is when you have a real life.
With being a parent comes the choice of many things. Vaccines have been heavy on my mind. Alexa is coming up on her 2 month check up & she is due for an array of vaccines & shots ... which leaves me with the question "What do I do?" . There are SOOO many side effects that come as a possibility when you choose to vaccinate your child. Not every child reacts to them, but some do & some reactions are & can be deadly. So with the risk of NOT getting her vaccinated she runs the risk of contracting a vaccine preventable illness. With choosing to vaccinate her, I run the risk of putting her in danger of having a reaction to them, which could also prove deadly.
With recent findings, I have found that some vaccines have ABORTED FETAL CELLS(yes you read right!!), monkey cells, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, yeast(which a lot of children are allergic too), all of this is found in vaccines we give our kids.
Polio for instance, this has been eradicated in our country for decades! So why are we giving them to our infants.
Why do they insist on giving SO many vaccines at one time?
The H1N1 vaccine has in one does (.5ml) has 24.5 micro grams of mercury in it. For that amount to be safe a person should be 539 pounds! This is a vaccine they give at 2 months -- YES this is true! You ask, well how is it that they allow this if it is not safe? The FDA allows this because they add this to vaccines to keep them from being contaminated or growing bacteria.
a little food for thought: "Every single drug that has ever been recalled by the FDA....Must first have been proven to be "Safe and Effective" by the FDA... - that includes vaccines as well.
So .. with all that said, I still have NO idea what to do. A lot of people say "The risks of not vaccinating are so much worse then not" or "All my kids are vaccinated & are fine" ... that is really easy to say if you hadn't done any research & knew nothing of what could happen to your child if they have reactions to them. But as a parent, I think it IS my job to gather ALL the facts before making a choice that I really don't understand anything about. True she prob will be fine, but there IS a chance that she could be one of those few who have severe side effects.
I'm not wanting to offend anyone who choose to vaccinate, as that is their choice for their child, all I ask is the same respect for me as I try to figure out what is best for mine.
I've read or am reading several great books about parenting & honestly they have helped tremendously!
Although a few parts of the books contradict each other, sleeping, feeding & the cry it out method.
So we are just trying to figure out where we fall into those categories as parents to Alexa.
I'm ever so thankful for those who make the effort to be in Alexa's life. She is so innocent & deserves NOTHING but the best & I intend to do everything in power to give it to her.
It makes my heart ache to think she is missing out on certain things. But I know that she is LOVED beyond measure & I will protect her at all costs.
I thank GOD everyday for my happy marriage, my healthy daughter & my never ending blessings he has so kindly bestowed on me ....
Stay tuned until next time ...