As I prepared for motherhood, nothing could prepare me for what was ahead.
I was having a planned C-Section for a condition that I had, that would not allow me to give birth naturally. As we went forward & waited the arrival of our little angel on the 16th of August, things were falling into place :)
On the 13th, I was having some back pains & wasn't feeling good. I called the doctor & of course they assured me I was fine. I knew something was wrong, or different. The night of the 14th I had some light spotting & with P. previa I knew that was not good, so I went into the ER & was seen at the birthplace, I was checked out & sent home ... Again I knew something was wrong. I was in labor.
About 1:30 that morning, my eyes popped open & I thought to myself, my water just broke. I was only 37 weeks to the day. I nugged Brian & told him "I think my water broke" turn the light on. As he turned on the light to my horror .. It was blood & it was everywhere. Calmly I got out of bed & walked to the bathroom to get a towel. I got my purse, my phone & we jumped in the car & called 911, the hospital & the in-laws. I was in full labor & The baby was coming! Only I can't have her naturally ... So what now?
We met the ambulance in Bostic & the Paramedic was wonderful. He calmed me down, my blood pressure was throught the roof(probably due to my stress) it was 189/169. I could feel it, all I could say to him, was "I don't feel good" ... " I don't feel good" ... Once we got to the hospital I was rushed right into the the birthplace, they called the OR team & the doctor in & started preping me for an emergency c-section.
Alexa Spring Lawson was born 4:27 a.m. August 15th 2011.
At 6pds 10oz & 19inches long, this little princess has changed our world!
I was NOT ready, I was supposed to have one more day to prepare! No bags, no camera, no clothes .. NADA. So of her birth, there aren't many photos .. sadly :(
Brian's family was so wonderful -- they were there to make sure I was ok & the baby was safe ♥
Brian got to come into the OR & watch our baby be born, he was so sweet. Although I don't remember much about the operation, I remember his face & I will never forget that. After recovery I was wheeled into my room & all I wanted was to hold my girl ...
As I looked down at her sleeping so peacefully, I just thanked God that I was alive, if He hadn't woke me up, I could have lost my daughter & my life .. I could have bled to death in just a few hours. I am so thankful for her, for my husband, my family .. for all the blessings in my life! Thank you, Jesus!
Nothing in this world worth having comes easy.
Now, taking care of a newborn is hard, taking care of a newborn AFTER surgery! Omg ... it's so hard. The pain ... I can't even begin to desribe that pain. They tell you "you'll be sore" they don't tell you that you feel like your dying from the pain!
The first few nights are the hardest, you think you'll just keel over from no sleep.
But it's gets better!
I love waking up with her in the early morning hours & putting her in the bed beside me & just watching her sleep. Watching her smile & feeling her little heartbeat next to mine. Laying her on my chest & thinking how can I ever be any happier ♥
There is NO greater love. No animal, car, house, dimond ring, or amount of money can replace that feeling ... I love my husband more than words & we have this beautiful little girl, how can anyone NOT believe in God, when miracles like her exsist? How can anyone think their life is complete without experiencing this kind of love?
Thank you Brian Lawson for giving me so much, I love you!!
After pregnancy life is wonderful! I'm down 30 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks & have a little more to go! :)